Making Digital Content Accessible: Download Our New Guide

Learn Essential Strategies for Creating Inclusive E-Learning with the Articulate 360 Suite

As we know, more and more companies are not only localizing their content to reach a global audience but also making it more accessible. When we at Headway started to delve deeper into this topic, we found various sources of information on the key points to consider when creating an accessible e-learning course in Articulate Storyline. While it's always good to refer to the official Articulate website, we want to offer you a short and concise summary that we consider very useful, so you know what to do and what not to do to make your courses accessible. We know that at first it can be a little overwhelming to take into account all the aspects that must be considered.


This is a great starting point if you are beginning to familiarize yourself with this field. Maybe you are considering getting a digital content creation certificate or integrating accessibility into your online training or instructional design. If you're interested in a more technical step-by-step guide on how to make your course accessible, feel free to contact us.


What You’ll Find in Our Guide

Our new eBook, "Effective Strategies for Crafting Inclusive E-Learning", provides valuable insights into creating accessible digital content. As a course content creator, you’ll learn about the importance of making every element of your course keyboard accessible. This ensures compatibility with assistive technologies and makes your courses usable for all learners.


The guide also covers how to write concise, descriptive alt text for images. This is essential for screen readers, allowing visually impaired learners to understand visual content. We offer best practices for structuring content logically to facilitate easier navigation for all users, ensuring your course meets the highest standards of accessibility. Additionally, our guide delves into the thoughtful integration of audio and video content. You’ll learn how to use captions and transcripts effectively, making your courses accessible to learners with auditory disabilities.


Why Choose Headway?

At Headway, we understand the complexities of designing accessible e-learning courses. Our team is proficient with the Articulate 360 suite and specializes in creating content that meets Section 508 and WCAG 2.0 standards.


If you need to localize an accessible course, we are your trusted vendor. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you create accessible and engaging e-learning content.

Effective Strategies for Crafting Inclusive E-Learning Guide by Headway
Learn essential practices for creating accessible courses using the Articulate Storyline. Discover how to make content keyboard accessible, write descriptive alt text, and integrate audio and video effectively. Perfect for course content creators and those seeking accessibility training. Ensure your e-learning content is inclusive and meets the highest standards.
Effective Strategies for Crafting Inclus
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.0 MB

