
Unlock the Power of Custom eLearning Development!

If your aesthetics do not interfere with the dynamics, you are off to a good start.

Personalizing your courses is essential for achieving your objectives for one crucial reason: your company needs to convey specific knowledge, not just subject your human resources to an external narrative. The dynamics of the courses and their usability generate better KPIs, making eLearning for companies a discipline that necessarily combines good design with content fluency.


When developing a course, whether you're a professional eLearning provider or just starting in the world of custom eLearning, you must focus on the final objective. In the context of corporate eLearning, the desired outcome is usually to have better-prepared human resources who can perform their tasks more effectively. Here are three key points you should not overlook:

  1. Focus on functionality rather than showcasing virtuosity. The beauty of course design lies in its adaptation to the content. If your aesthetics do not interfere with the dynamics, you are off to a good start.

  2. Prioritize content hierarchy. It should be clear which are the main themes, and their implications should be perceived in secondary levels, as a development of the primary ones. Often, failing to differentiate content hierarchy can hinder the natural progression and thus affect comprehension.

  3. Avoid making the course a bureaucratic chore. The best eLearning courses are those experienced as valuable training, not as tedious tasks. Therefore, don't fall in love with the volume or the number of screens; think in terms of transmission: which format best conveys this idea?

Remember: form and content go hand in hand. There is no content without form and vice versa. Therefore, thinking about them separately is not advisable. Considering form and content simultaneously is fundamental and falls within the best practices that eLearning companies should adhere to when providing eLearning solutions.


Contact us today to learn how we can help you develop, localized and customized eLearning solutions that meet your company's specific needs and objectives.



